Office of the Controller of Examinations, Kovai Kalaimagal College of Arts and Science (Autonomous), governed by the regulations of the Bharathiar University, is responsible for the conduct of Continuous Internal Assessment and End Assessments Examinations, declaration of results, processing of transcripts and organizing annual graduation. It takes several initiatives to ensure better standards by utilizing day-to-day technology for best practices and outcomes.
Prepare the calendar of events
Conduct examinations for UG & PG Programmes and post the results
Conduct supplementary examinations for the final year students who failed in only one subject
Update and implement the reforms related to examinations
Convene committees/board meetings related to examinations
Prepare the budgets and income/expenditure statement for examination section
Recommend the fees structure for examination and rate for remuneration for the examiners.
Maintain the database of question paper setters and examiners in a confidential manner.
Printing of answer booklets and grade sheets and maintain its stocks.
Appoint scribes for physically challenged people
Measures the attainment of PO’s and CO’s in OBE
Maintain high confidentiality in all aspects.
The Controller of Examinations
Kovai Kalaimagal College of arts and Science
Coimbatore - 641 109
E-mail :
Office : 9994069808
CoE : 9788806815
ACoE : 9384439936
The exam committee has been formed in accordance with the direction given by UGC & Bharathiar University which plays an important role in finalizing all the activities of examination section. The meeting of examination committee will be convened twice in the semester and whenever necessary.
Prepares the exam schedule for both CIA and EAE.
Schedule the dates for submission of attendance proforma and internal marks statement
Approves the nominal roll of all UG & PG programmes
Finalize the list of courses offered for the current semester along with course code.
Schedule the dates for valuation and result passing board
The results passing board meeting is convened within fifteen days from the last date of End Assessment Examinations to analyze the results of the students of all UG & PG Programmes. The board will incorporate the moderation marks (if any) and results of each student shall be uploaded in the college website.
Approve the results of End Assessment Examinations for publications
Approve the moderation of marks given as per Bharathiar University norms.
Analyze the results of all programmes
No student shall be permitted to appear for the End Assessment Examination unless the examination fee is remitted through the college office or through online in the stipulated date informed by ‘The Controller of Examinations’
Category I : Above 75% of attendance and eligible to write the examination in current semester subjects
Category II : 65% to 74% of attendance but eligible for condonation and eligible to write the examination in current semester subjects
Category III : 55% to 64% attendance and not eligible for condonation and eligible to write the examination only in arrear subjects and not regular subjects. Can continue the course but cornpensate the loss of attendance during next semester.
Category IV : Below 54% of attendance and not eligible to write the examination in current semester subjects, Has to discontinue the course and redo the same semester during the next academic year.
a) Any candidate having arrear paper(s) shall have the option to take the examinations in any arrear paper(s) along with the subsequent regular semester papers.
b) Candidates who fail in any of the papers shall pass the paper(s) concerned within five years from the date of admission to the said course. If they fail to do so, they shall take the examination in the revised text / syllabus, if any, prescribed for the immediate next batch of candidates. If there is no change in the text / syllabus they shall take the examination in that paper with the syllabus in vogue, until there is a change in the text or syllabus. In the event of removal of that paper consequent to the change of regulations and / or curriculum after a five year period, the candidates shall have to take up a equivalent paper in the revised syllabus as suggested by the Chairman of the Board of Studies and fulfill the requirements as per regulations/curriculum for the award of the degree.