1. Formulate policies of KKCAS.
2. Guide implementation of the policies by the respective Principals and Staffs
3. Select and appoint faculty.
4. Arrange for provision of resources and infrastructure facilities.
5. Monitor the progress and offer suggestions.
6. Inform affiliating Universities and statutory bodies, the implementation status of the suggestions and guidelines.
7. Plan Institute-industry interaction.
8. Call for governing council / College committee and help it to appraise the activities of KKCAS.
1. Indite the policies and Strategy to accomplish the vision and mission of the institution.
2. Implement the policies of the management.
3. Provide captainship, direction and harmonization within the Institution.
4. Ensure that the long-term and short-term development plans of the institution are duly processed and implemented through the guidelines of statutory bodies, relevant authorities and committees.
5. Present the report to the G.C / College Committee on the activities and follow their suggestions.
6. Direct and surveil the administration of the academic programmes and general administration of the institution.
7. Ensure that quality in education and academic services is kept-up for continuous improvement.
8. Promote industry institution interaction and inculcate research development activities.
9. Form various college level committees which are necessary for the progress of the institution.
10. Ensure that the staff and students attuned the rules, policies and procedures laid down by the college and enforce them fittingly.
11. Coordinate between director / secretary and the faculty. \
12. Encourage interaction among faculty and between them and the students.
13. Take decisive action as and when required to manage discipline in the institution.
14. Be impartial in his disciplinary actions for all the members of faculty, non – teaching staff and students.
15. Look after office administration and maintain discipline.
16. Listen to the student’s ideas and set a supportive tone.
17. Conduct class committee meetings of students and take follow up actions.
18. Empower all the staff and students to reach their maximum potential.
19. Submit annual report on the progress achieved on different developmental and collaborative programmes to the various committees and management.
20. Surveil, manage and educate the administration of the institution and take remedial measures/ actions based on the stakeholder’s feedback.
21. Carry himself / herself with the highest integrity and exhibit outstanding and strong leadership skills.
22. Prepare IQA plan and schedule and arrange for IQA as planned.
1. Officiate in the absence of the Principal as per the direction of the Principal.
2. Render fullest cooperation to the Principal in all the matters of academic interest.
3. Ensure the academic administration of the departments.
4. Voice his /her view or opinion in all matters of academic interest when discussions take place at a higher level.
5. Compute the manpower requirements as per workload of the department along with the hod and recommend the staff requirement to the Principal.
6. Convene the meeting with staff, student representatives and hostel inmates in the presence of the Principal and hods, at least once in the month and maintain the minute book.
7. Monitor whether the hods perform the duties and responsibilities as per the list enclosed properly. If not, the hods should suitably be advised.
8. See that all the correspondences from the departments are routed through Deans.
9. Evolve Strategies and action plans in coordination with concerned hods for the development and quality improvement of the department.
10. Be aware of the various requirements of different courses as per the Bharathiar University guidelines and ensure that such norms are fulfilled whenever inspection commissions of the University or other agencies visit the college.
11. Monitor the functioning of each department, and act as a strong interface between the Principal and hods in implementing policies and programs formulated for improving the quality and effectiveness of teaching - learning process.
12. Motivate and train the newly recruited members of the faculty. Oversee and monitor the faculty during the lecture hours and give constructive suggestions for their improvement.
13. Make periodic assessment of teaching faculty particularly the new entrants and submit a report with suggestions / remarks to the Principal.
14. Oversee the effective conduct of stay back hours, extra classes, career guidance and placement programs for the benefit of the students in coordination with Training and Placement Cell.
15. Interact with students periodically, review the student performance in the Continuous Internal Assessment and end Assessment examinations, regularity in attendance and monitor general discipline of the students inside the campus and take appropriate corrective or disciplinary action in consultation with the Principal.
16. Monitor the activities of the innovation and creativity of the college.
17. Monitor the research progress of faculty members pursuing M. Phil and Ph.D.
18. Constitute a committee and select scholars for M.Phil. And Ph.D. Programs ( FT and PT).
19. Get approval of Bharathiar University and to admit scholars.
20. Assist the approved guides in Scholar's project.
21. Arrange for submission of dissertation in time through monitoring.
22. Help publication of findings of research.
23. Arrange for final Viva - Voce of the Scholars.
24. Arrange periodical meetings of the research scholars.
25. Propose, receive and implement research projects - major or minor - sponsored by other institutions.
26. Plan for Faculty Development Programme for teaching faculty and Administrative Training Programme for the non-teaching faculty at least two per semester.
27. Organise Guest Lectures, Seminars, Conferences, Industry Visits, International / National seminar or symposium or Intercollegiate competitions once in a semester.
28. Encourage the faculty members and students to participate in seminar / workshop / conferences and present / publish research papers / articles.
29. Prepare proposals for doing major / minor projects, conduct of seminars / FDP and send it to funding agencies.\
30. Take responsibility of preparing reports for Governing Body, College Committee, Academic Council and Finance Committee.
31. Finalize the curriculum for their concerned departments with periodic revision of the curriculum befitting the current trends and demands of the industry and the employment market and present before the Boards of Studies after getting approval from Curriculum Development Cell.
32. Get feedback from the students, parents and industry to guide teaching-learning.
33. Organise student Induction Programme, Annual Day, Graduation Day, Sports Day, Lighting Ceremony and Alumni Meet every year.
34. Take care of all disciplinary activities of the students inside the campus.
35. Visit both boys and girls hostel / mess and meet the hostel inmates and warden atleast once in a month.
36. Visit lab, library, classrooms and staff room and submit a report whenever necessary.
37. Engage Post Graduate classes (or UG classes in case there is no PG class) at least for 6 hours a week.
38. Take up the responsibility of preparing the News letter and release it within a period of one month after the commencement of the subsequent semester.
39. Monitor the execution of Continuous Internal Assessments.
40. Approve the Internal Assessment marks for all students in all classes of both UG and PG.
41. Monitor the student’s online feedback.
42. Monitor the faculty performance in End Assessment Examinations.
43. Monitor the late comers at the gate, counsel them to come to college in time and record the name of the late comers in the note book.
44. Take care of fee collection from the students and submit a report to the Principal about the fee pending details every month.
45. Conduct programme for school children and responsible for the admissions
46. Form a committee, arrange and oversee for the Library, Furniture and Lab Stock Verification for every year.
47. Report to the Principal on every monday about all the above mentioned duties.
1. Be responsible for the harmonious functioning of the department.
2. Implement the objectives of the respective institutions by coordinating the activities of their faculty in the department.
3. Be responsible for the maintenance of discipline among the students of the department.
4. Go round the classes before the commencement of the class and during intervals, and also assign such duty to the faculty members of the department.
5. Visit the laboratories to find out whether the members of the faculty handling the practical subject are available in the lab and help the students in clarifying their doubts in the lab.
6. Ascertain whether pre-lab explanation on the procedure to be followed and the logic of the programme is given to the students.
7. Monitor whether the teachers keep up the pace at which they are expected to teach to cover the syllabus.
8. Periodically check the log book for coverage of all the topics which can be counter checked with the notes of the students.
9. Interact periodically with the students of various classes to know the difficulties of students in understanding the subjects, conduct of teachers in the classes and any other difficulties of the students concerning their academic activities.
10. Verify whether attendance of students is marked properly in the log book and master attendance register without any delay.
11. Contribute in evolving strategies and action plans for the development and quality improvement of the department.
12. Ascertain whether proper permission is obtained from the secretary for conducting any function on behalf of the department association.
13. Inform the proceedings of the hods meeting convened by the principal to the other members on the very next day and should be minuted in the department meetings.
14. Go through the students profile maintained by the tutors periodically to know whether the tutors properly perform their duties.
15. Monitor whether the tutors maintain the personal details and other records of students properly and counsel the students as and when necessary and see that no other work like entering attendance in the master register is assigned to the tutors.
16. Monitor academic activities and receive feedback from parents.
17. Assess the resource requirements (books, periodicals, stationary, computer lab requirements and other facilities) of the departments immediately after re-opening of the college, send requisition letters and follow them up.
18. Allot the subjects to the members of faculties according to their preferences and the priority should start from the junior most member.
19. Assess the need for any faculty development programme for the staff of his/her department and inform the concerned dean / principal.
20. Encourage the faculty to publish articles in reputed journals, to present papers in seminars and to register their names for ph.d. Or m.phil programme as the case may be.
21. See that the monthly reports are submitted to the principal on or before 5th working day of every month without fail.
22. Perform any other activity assigned to him / her by the secretary / principal.
23. Follow the guidelines / instructions given by the principal from time to time
24. Report the progress to the principal and implement the directions given by the principal.
25. Provide necessary inputs to the principal for conducting governing body, college committee, academic council / governing council, curriculum development cell, board of studies and finance committee meeting.
26. Arrange class committee meeting, once in a semester, immediately after the conduct of cia-i of consolidated report may be sent to the principal.
27. Arrange for class representative meeting, once in a month and submit the consolidated report to the principal.
28. Collect lesson plans from teaching staff before the commencement of class work and ensure that the information provided is in accordance with the format.
29. Make sure that the time tables are prepared as per the guidelines given by the principal and inform the faculty members and students at least one day before the commencement of the class work.
30. Arrange special classes if necessary for the benefit of below average students.
31. Arrange and monitor remedial and additional classes for the slow learners and extra credit courses for the advanced learners.
32. Implement teaching plan with least deviation.
33. Ensure the quality and effectiveness of teaching - learning process.
34. Organise guest lectures, seminars, conferences, industry visits and encourage the staff to bring out publications.
35. Depute staff to participate in seminars, conferences and workshops and motivate them to undertake research by tapping funding sources.
36. Interact with students periodically, review the student performance in the internal and end semester examinations, regularity in attendance and monitor general discipline of the students inside the campus.
1. Should maintain absolute integrity and devotion to duty all times.
2. Should perform all professional activities through proper channel and extend co-operation to his/her colleagues and higher authorities.
3. Should conduct himself/herself with absolute dignity and decorum in dealing with the superiors, colleagues and students at all times.
4. Should attend the college neatly dressed and follow dress regulations. Women faculty should wear over-coats inside the class rooms. Male faculty members should come in formal dress with tie and shoes. Jeans pant & t-shirts are not allowed.
5. Should wear their identity cards while inside the college premises.
6. Should not use cell phones while taking classes, engaging in examination duties and attending meetings.
7. Should not absent himself/herself from duty at any time without prior approval.
8. Should be punctual in going to the classes, attending meetings, invigilation, college functions and attend national celebrations.
9. Should not attempt to bring any political or outside pressure on his/her superior authorities in respect of service matters.
10. Should not provoke or instigate any student or staff against other students, colleagues or administration.
11. Should not by act or deed, degrade, harass or insult any other person for any reason or act in a manner inappropriate to the teaching profession.
12. Should not discriminate any student on grounds of caste, creed, religion, gender, nationality or language.
13. Should not demonstrate favoritism in assessment of students deliberately over making, under marking or attempt at victimization on any grounds.
14. Shall neither disclose confidential information about students to anyone nor disclose confidential information from management to students.
15. Should not accept fees or honorarium, gift,etc., from the students.
16. Should respect the prerogative of parent/guardian to look after the interest of the student.
17. Should not misuse or carelessly use amenities provided to him/her by the institution to facilitate the discharge of his/her duties.
18. Shall set an example himself / herself to his/her colleagues and students.
19. Should implement teaching plans effectively.
20. Shell interact closely with students and understand their needs and problems.
21. Should provide feedback to the coordinators / hods.
22. Should maintain attendance particulars and report to the tutors.
23. Should assess resource requirements and send requisition to the coordinators.
24. Should recommend leave / attendance exemption for students.
25. Should maintain ‘student profile’ of students allotted to them.
26. Should perform any other role such as placement officer / tutor/ class advisor and assist the placement officer.
27. Should encourage student activities for closer interaction.
28. Should organise seminar / guest lecturers / quiz.
1. Send intent for the purchase of Books / CDs and subscription to journals.
2. Send supply orders, receive the supply enters in the registers and keep it updated.
3. Report to the Principal about the loss / damage to books, journals, CDs, etc.,
4. Maintain computerized inventory of books.
5. Assist in annual stock verification.
6. Arrange for the recovery of cost of books / journals, lost / damaged by students.
7. Arrange for binding of old books and journal issues.
8. Guide the students for the location of books and photocopying of books.
1. Prepare lab wise plan/Schedule for the semester.
2. Assign and co-ordinate work of the programmer.
3. Distribute lab time as per the advice of the HoDs.
4. Assist students and faculty in utilizing the lab.
5. Ensure security of data and equipments.
6. Report deficiency and send resource requisitions.
7. Assist in purchasing of h/w and s/w.
8. Be responsible for the cleanliness and maintenance of the labs.
1. Conducting the Examination Committee meeting to fix tentative dates for Practical / Project and Theory EAE for the respective semester, date of central valuation, meeting of the passing board and date of publication of results.
2. He/She shall collect the list of question paper setters and examiners with their field of specialization for both theory and practical examinations for which he/she shall send letters to the Principals of the other Arts and Science / MBA / MCA colleges outside the Coimbatore city requesting them to fill up the proforma enclosed with the letters by the faculty with 5 or more years of experience within a prescribed date.
3. He/She should receive the details of the Fresh Batch of students from the college office.
4. He/She should receive the Course Structure and a copy of the syllabus and Question Paper Pattern for all programmes from the Co-ordinator of the Curriculum Development cell.
5. Distribute the exam applications to the students and get back the filled in Exam Application forms from the students on time.
6. Announce the schedule of semester examinations for all programmes.
7. Prepare the list of candidates and the subjects which they are appearing for.
8. Distribute the Hall tickets to the eligible candidates those who appear for the Examinations.
9. Receive the CIA marks finalized in each Department from the respective Heads of Departments.
10. He/She shall be responsible for collecting the model question papers prepared by the faculty members.
11. Supervise the work done by the staff of the office of controller of examinations.
12. He/She should take decisions on all matters related to the examinations not falling within the powers of the statutory officers of the college.
13. Make necessary arrangements for the safe custody of the question papers, answer books, files, documents, certificates, etc..Connected with the examinations.
14. Conduct the examinations appointing the Chief Superintendent on the recommendation of principal.
15. Dispatch the stationary required for the conduct of examination to the Chief Superintendent
16. Convene the meeting of the Board of examiners and meeting of the Results passing board.
17. Payment of remuneration, travelling and Dearness allowances to the question paper setters, examiners, chief examiner/Chairman, Invigilators, etc.,. at the rates decided in the Finance Committee meeting and approved by the Governing body.
18. Arrange to publish the results within 15 days from the date of last examination.
19. Appoint the question paper setters from the list of question paper setters on the basis of their specialization, recommended by Board of Studies and approved by the Academic Council, receive the question papers and schemes of valuation from them on time, print the question papers and dispatch them to the Chief Superintendent maintaining confidentiality.
20. Appoint the examiners for various subjects from the list of examiners recommended by the Board of Studies and approved by the Academic Council and arrange for central valuation of answer scripts.
21. Appoint the scrutinizers of the question papers and valued answer scripts.
22. Arrange for the re-totaling of answer scripts whenever necessary.
23. Arrange for dealing with the malpractice cases, if any, to the examination disciplinary committee, to take decisions.
24. Arrange for the conduct of supplementary examinations, valuation of answer scripts of supplementary examination, meeting of the Results passing board and publication of results.
25. Strictly maintain the confidentiality of the records related to the examinations.
26. Issue the Mark Statements and the Consolidated Mark Statements to the students.
27. Arrange to get the provisional certificates and Degree Certificates from the University.
1. Deputy Controller will officiate the CoE office in the absence of the Controller as per the direction of the Principal.
2. Arranging for the meeting of the Examination Committee.
3. Getting the work assigned to other subordinate staff done in time.
4. Preparation of the minutes of the meeting of the Examination Committee and examination schedule.
5. Conducting central valuation, supervising the entry of marks and preparation of statement of grades etc.,
6. Verifying the stock of answer booklets, covers, exam application forms, claim forms, attendance proforma, etc., and arranging for printing of the same.
7. Verifying the number of question papers in the question paper packets.
8. Arranging and assisting the tasks required in the conduct of the examinations and central valuations including hospitality.
1. Arrange for trainings, FDP and other programmes for the faculty.
2. Get sponsored projects for training target groups in places around the college.
3. Receive contributions / edit / and publish the Institution Newsletter.
4. Arrange for Publication of Brochures, Calendar and special reports if any.
5. Arrange for psychometric tests for students.
6. Arrange for and follow-up parents meet.
7. Collect the feedback from the students regarding the teaching learning process
1. Monitor students profile maintenance.
2. Help publication of placement brochure.
3. Arrange for campus interviews.
4. Prepare a list of prospective employers and communicate with them.
5. Maintain placement records.
6. Ensure placements for as many passed out students as possible.
7. Plan and co-ordinate the skills up gradation and personality development programs
1. Plan the activities for training the students for campus placements
2. Include aptitude training during class hours
3. Co ordinate the special training sponsored by MNCs
4. Organize Finishing School during the summer vacation every year
5. Train the students to develop Soft Skill through the HR managers of various companies
6. Sign MoUs with the training Institutes for the all round development of the students
7. Offer cerficate courses so as to make them employable
1. Supervise and control the activities of administrative staff.
2. Assist principal in maintaining current and stock files updated and providing needed information.
3. Send reports, proposals and demands to the university.
4. Send reports to UGC./NAAC / RJD / Bharathiar University for approval and follow-up.
5. Send annual reports to AISHE/NIRF/ARIIA/ Bharathiar University
6. Keep safe custody of certificates of students and faculty till they are returned to them.
7. Prepare transfer certificate after verifying all conditions (does, completion of courses, etc.,).
8. Distribute and collect the applications for various scholarships and send it to the approval of the concerned departments/ management and followup.
9. Co ordinate the admissions for UG & PG programmes/collect the original certificates and completes the certificate verification at affiliated University
10. Receive and account for all the supplies.
11. Supervise receipts and payments.
12. Co ordinate the transport facilities / issues bus pass / others
1. Persist on duty inside the Campus between 8.30 am to 04.15 pm. They should not leave the college premises without the consent before 04.15 pm.
2. Abide the rules and regulations of the institution.
3. Avail approval in advance for his / her casual leave.
4. Esteem and retain the hierarchy in the Administration and perform their duties as per the instruction received from the officials to whom they are attached.
5. Wear their identity cards during working hours.
6. Retain honesty, morality and equality in their actions.
7. Honesty, integrity and equality in all activities.
8. Exercise self-discipline and deal positively with staff, students, parents and public.
9. Perform the work assigned in connection to the examinations conducted by the college or University as instructed by the Principal.
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